Urban exploration is important for everyday life and can be defined as “the research, documentation, escape, exploration, and mapping of… forbidden spaces that include maintenance or service areas, utility tunnels, abandoned buildings, such as mental institutions, and basically any place where the everyday public are not supposed to be” (Beauty in Decay, 2011). Other names for this technique are UE, Urbex, infiltration, and “reality hacking” (Douglas, 2021). Simply, this means studying urban/rural areas that may be abandoned, haunted or rundown of high interest without disturbing the landscape (Douglas, 2021). For the purpose of this study, rural exploration will take place in the small village of LaSalette, Ontario.
Urban/rural exploration is important to reveal much of our history in order to learn stories, legends, tales and specific facts of past civilizations. Urban exploration can be studied through personal experiences, studying of abandoned buildings, research from primary and secondary sources, and even through family archives (Douglas, 2021). By learning from the past, we are better able to understand our roots of where we came from, where we are today, and allows us to prepare for a better future (Wood, 2021). This is especially seen when researching the LaSalette Historic Church in LaSalette, Ontario. However, it leaves me wondering, how might “haunted” landscapes of the past affect societies today? What are the lingering effects of these historic buildings and why haven’t they been destroyed?

Haunted landscapes, spaces and settings are common in everyday life whether we realize it or not. Haunted landscapes do not necessarily refer to ghostly presence, but may display human activity by leaving a “residue” of human presence (Douglas, 2021). Some of the common examples associated with haunted landscapes are abandoned churches in small towns or villages. Churches provide a lot of information about past cultures and previous histories regarding architecture, religious beliefs/celebrations, and society as a whole. Creating a sense of space and place are imperative in religious settings. The design of churches is to make people feel comfortable and welcome, thus creating a psychological connection for users (Vasquez & Knott, 2014). For example, Worth & Tippy state that churches, “have it within their power to bring to…people the consciousness of God, and of the invisible world, and to release the spiritual forces that lie back in every man’s heart” (2006). This is important as people may feel closer and connected to their God, so, many churches are still present today because of this phenomenon. When haunted concepts are connected to churches these spiritual connections become stronger than ever.